About This isn't just another adult coloring book.

Don't break the fourth wall... Color4orth!

Color4orth came about because Allison saw a large display of adult coloring books right next to a display of comic books. She decided she'd rather color the comic books and right that moment pulled out her phone to google the idea. Nothing was coming up, and as it was something she would love to do she decided to go full steam ahead.

The name, Color4orth, comes from the concept of the fourth wall. It's also an action. You aren't just reading, you're going forth and coloring! This isn't just a coloring book with a plot either... more on that later! Learn more about the people (Okay, person, I'm looking! Send me your resume. Yes. You.) involved in the project.

Team Our Charisma, Dex and Intelligence stats are high. We could use some Streangth, Con and Wisdom!

Allison Dollar

CEO and Creative Director with a background in art and physics. Does some web design. Wild, crazy, and totally nerdy and geeky. Has a very large library and an adorable cat.

Designed by ppparticularity

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